Municipal Planning Commission Meeting Agenda 

Council Chambers - Wheatland County
242006 Range Road 243
Highway 1 RR 1
Strathmore, AB

Note: Municipal Planning Commission will be conducting this meeting in person and via conference call in accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Section 199. At this time, Public attendance at Municipal Planning Commission meetings will be facilitated through virtual means (conference call).
To join the conference call, dial 403-917-1764 (when prompted dial the pin 47001)

Note: meetings are recorded and may be posted on the official Wheatland County social media channels.

Legal: SW-25-25-24-W4M
Proposal: Variance Request (Setback Between an Existing Greenhouse and the Dwelling)
Parcel Size: 22.93 hectares (56.67 acres)

Legal: NW-17-24-25-W4M
Proposal: Dwelling, Accessory
Parcel Size: 16.08 hectares (39.75 acres)

Legal: Plan 131 2179 Block 3, Lot 2 within the NE-24-22-26-W4M
Proposal: Mechanical Repair Shop
Parcel Size: 6.16 hectares (15.23 acres)

Legal: Plan 8677AP, Block 1 Lot 2 within the SE-19-24-24-W4M
Proposal: Dwelling, Accessory
Parcel Size: 29.21 hectares (72.19 Acres)

Legal: SE-12-24-26-W4M
Proposal: Subdivision and Boundary Adjustment of two (2) parcels, one measuring +-28.75 acres, and the other measuring +/-29.06 acres